Kamis, 12 Juli 2018 15:41

Kerjasama Fac. Of Science UTM dengan FMIPA Unand

The signing of the MOU between the FMIPA Unand and the Faculty Of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM unfolding in Malaysia.

Under the terms of this agreement FS UTM and FMIPA Unand agree to:

1. continue discussions as opportunities arise to ascertain the extent to which cooperative activities could be implemented in the future.

2. Collaborate on activities in key academic and research areas as needs and opportunities are identified; and

3. Seek opportunities for funding for projects of mutual interest.

In practice, the activities generated under this agreement may include: Exchange of staffs, research students, resources and research collaboration areas of mutual interest;

Approaches to appropriate government and non-government bodies for funding:

1. Collaborations with other universities

2. Assessing Possibilities to exchange graduate and undergraduate students; and

3. Assessing Possibilities to organize joint international conferences.


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